In Years 3 to 6 the focus of Art and Design is to develop a greater knowledge and understanding of the subject. The subject provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences and a way of understanding and responding to the world.
Activities include:
- Exploring a range of starting points for practical work, eg ‘Themselves’
- Studying portraits by famous artists such as Van Gogh and Leonardo da Vinci
- Working on pupils’ own self-portraits
- Comparing differences and similarities in the work of artists
- Creating jewellery such as Celtic jewellery
A range of materials, including clay, are used to produce elaborate initials on tiles.
William Morris, a well-known local textile designer is studied in Year 6 and detailed work is produced in his style of design using painting, pencils, pastels and sewing stitches to enhance the pupils’ work.
Pupils are taught to review what they and others have done and say what they think and feel about it, and to identify what they might change in their current work or develop in their future work. They develop the ability to discuss and evaluate work in a constructive and critical manner developing vocabulary and opinions.