
Funky Hair Day

As a school we recently celebrated Funky Hair Day, a vibrant event to support The Little Princess Trust, a charity that provides wigs to children experiencing hair-loss, particularly whilst undergoing cancer treatment. This fun-filled day was inspired by Christopher in Year 3, who donated his own hair to the charity…

Owls Learn the Number 1 & 2

Having learned about number 1 and 2, Owls became number detectives and embarked on a mission to the car park looking for number 1 and 2 on the registration plates. They found lots of them!  

Year 3 Oak-Tree Camp

Year 3 children from all four Oak-Tree schools have had a fantastic couple of days at camp! Children took part in a number of tasks from arts and crafts, archery and team building activities. The evening was especially fun, playing games and toasting marshmallows on the fire. The children enjoyed meeting…

2Z & The Great Fire of London

In their topic lessons, 2Z are learning all about the Great Fire of London. They took part in a hot-seating activity whereby they interviewed ‘Samuel Pepys’ and asked him some questions that they would like to find out about the Great Fire. Well done, 2Z! This week 2Z also cast…

Safaa Hands out Tokens

Safaa was very excited to hand out tokens at the entrance to Oaklands school. Tokens are given out to those who have parked in the school carpark. Each class get their tokens counted at the end of the week. Well done Safaa for your great work!  

Year 2 Music News

Year 2 are learning about pitch in Music and have been  exploring the different sounds made with the Boomwhackers instruments. They tapped the colourful tubes on lots of different surfaces outside in the field and learnt that the longer ones make low sounds, while the short ones make high sounds….

Year 2 Artist Workshop

Year 2 have had a wonderful time working together with the artist Ben Wilson. They used materials from the outside field to produce a face on the ground before going off in groups to design their own masterpiece.  

3C Outdoor Reading

3C have taken the time to enjoy the lovely weather, taking their books outside to the decking area to read to themselves and each other.

Year 1 Southend-on-Sea Trip

Year 1 took an exciting trip to Southend-on-Sea this week. We visited Sealife Aquarium where we saw incredible fish and coral in tanks, watched penguins be fed and then had a picnic on the beach. We collected shells, built sandcastles and then fell asleep on the coach journey home. We…

Year 6 Harry Potter Trip

Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed visiting the Harry Potter studios recently. We had a fantastic day learning about the making of the Harry Potter films. It was lovely to see all the sets, props and costumes close up, so that we could really appreciate all the finer details that went into…