School Uniform

All pupils from Lower Kindergarten to Year 6 are expected to look smart at all times and to wear the school uniform with pride.  It is part of their education that they are taught to become ambassadors for Oaklands when wearing their uniform inside or outside school.

All uniform is available from the school outfitters, who are:
Forest Casual and Schoolwear
144 High Road
Essex IG10 4BE
Tel: 020 8508 2848

They are open from 9am to 5.30pm from Monday to Saturday, but also operate a website for direct mail order at

The Oaklands Parents’ Association run a Recycled Uniform service; go to the Parents’ Association page for more information.

Pupils should not wear jewellery of any sort to school with the exception of a watch or a discreet religious symbol if applicable. Pupils in Years 5 and 6 may wear a single stud earring in each ear.

Make up and nail varnish are not allowed. Long hair must be tied or clipped back with bottle green or black accessories. All items must be clearly labelled with name tapes sewn on firmly. Please remember to label shoes and boots.

Please select a link below to view the relevant uniform list: