News - Page 2

Arthur Interviews the England Football Team

Arthur shared his excitement in class today as he had the opportunity to interview the England football team last week. He was able to ask some of his favourite players some important questions like what they loved about football and how long to took them to become professional footballers.

U11 Tag-Rugby Triangular Tournament

On Wednesday 2 October, Pupils from Years 5 and 6 took part in a Triangular Tag-Rugby Tournament along with Coopersale and Howe Green House School. HGHS kindly hosted us, and all of our amazing pupils removed tags, defended unbelievably well as a wall, and jinked and twisted their way to…

Oak-Tree U9 High 5 Netball Tournament

9 Pupils from Year 4 have been homing their passing and receiving, movement and marking and shooting skills since joining Netball club, practicing for the U9 Oak-Tree High 5 Netball Tournament on the Oaklands playground on Wednesday 25 September. In some very close matches, they learnt the game as the…

Oak-Tree U9 Football Tournament

Pupils from Years 3&4 took part in the U9 Oak-Tree Football Tournament on the Oaklands playing fields on Wednesday 25 September. There was some excellent football on show, with Oaklands displaying the vast array of talent that the school has throughout the year groups, winning the tournament. Final results were;…

Rhyming word hunt

Within our English topic of poetry, 3C decided to go on a rhyming word hunt in the classroom. They started with a single word and had to find its rhyming partner hidden somewhere on the classroom wall!  

Exploring 3D Shapes

In Year 5 we have been looking at properties of 3D shapes. We have explored different shapes by using interlocking cubes to build structures with a view from the top, front and side. This was a fantastic practical lesson.

Oaklands Shines at WESSP Football Festival

Our young heroes do Oaklands proud in West Essex School Sports Partnership Football Festival! Pupils from Year 1 and 2, made the very exciting and noisy mini-bus trip to Shooters, in North Weald for the WESSP Football Festival on Friday 27 September. There were goals galore, tackle aplenty, and amazing…

Upper Kindergarten visit the Wild Woods

During Upper Kindergarten’s Wildwoods session, the children listened to the story of ‘Stick Man’. The children were asked to go and collect a stick for each member of their family. They discussed whether each stick would be the same size or would their mummy and daddy stick be bigger. Afterwards…

2Z read ‘The Flat Rabbit’

2Z have been reading the story ‘The Flat Rabbit’ in their English lessons. After creating their own animal characters, the children then went outside and brought their characters to life using the natural resources that they could find on the field. Well done, 2Z!