In October 2013 the Independent School Inspectorate visited our Early Years Foundation Stage to inspect our provision.
It is very pleasing to read the numerous comments that support and acknowledge the many positive achievements Oaklands has made in recent years as we were judged to be ‘Outstanding’ or ‘Good’ in all categories. With such rigorous criteria for inspections nowadays this is a higher standard than the national trend. Some quotes that are particularly worth noting are as follows:
Extracts from the report:
- The contribution of the Early Years provision to children’s well-being is outstanding
- Children of all ages form secure emotional attachments with staff.
- Excellent relationships were observed in all age groups.
- Children are happy and enjoy their activities.
- The setting makes good provision in meeting the needs of the range of children who attend.
- The educational programmes help most children to meet the expected levels of development, and in some cases exceed them.
- All children are well supported in acquiring the skills to develop and learn effectively.
- Parents feel well informed about their children’s achievements and progress.
- Most children make good progress and achieve well in all areas of their learning and development.
- Children’s personal and emotional development is excellent and they feel safe, secure and happy.
- Behaviour is extremely good and children of all ages respond to instructions from adults.
Click the link below to see the full report.