Yesterday afternoon years 1 to 6 gathered at St Mary’s Church Loughton for the annual Oaklands Christmas carol service. A packed church of friends and family were treated to a moving retelling of the ancient Nativity story illustrated by a wide variety of songs, carols and Bible readings. Years 1 and 2 sang confidently about the animals ‘Dancing About in the Straw’ and the Girls Choir gave a powerful rendition of the song ‘Mary Did You Know’. The orchestra performed ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ with lovely solos from Phoebe and Victoria and KS2 sang ‘Nazareth’ from the film ‘Nativity!’ as well as a beautiful version of ‘Silent Night’ in French. Well done to everyone, it was a truly special way to celebrate Christmas!
A collection for Mill Grove Family Centre was taken at the end of the service.