Year 6 were recently invited to St Edmund’s College for a taster day. At arrival, we were warmly welcomed and were given a “run-through” of the day’s activities. We were collected by two Prefects who ushered us to our first lesson. In Maths we were given the task to break various codes. Our mission was to decipher a secret message; this was very challenging but most of us managed to break the code.
In games, we played basketball and our fitness was tested without a doubt. After games, we attended an English lesson where we had to use our listening skills very well. We then were given the task to draw a description related to the character in the story by using as many descriptive words as possible. We were starving by the end of this lesson. A wide selection of hot and cold food, salads and fruit was provided.
In the last period we had the chance to meet the Year 7 Form teacher. He described a typical day at St Edmunds and gave us an overview of all the clubs available. We were given the opportunity to ask questions before we had to return to school.
This was a wonderful day and we want to shout out a big thank you to St Edmunds for organising this spectacular taster day for us.
Year 6