Year 3 had fun learning about right angles in Maths and used right angle finders to search the classroom for objects that had a right angle. They have also been thinking about Christmas and what it means to them. They played pass the parcel and when the music stopped, they opened a layer of packaging to reveal the question “What does Christmas mean to you?” Isabella suggested that it was the birthday of Jesus and so we eat special food and give presents to celebrate him. Poppy thought that it was a day to spend with family and Amelia added on to this to say that Christmas is all about love.
In Art, Year 3 has been exploring cave paintings. They have learnt that Stone Age people didn’t have all of the materials that we had today and as their paintings were created on cave walls, the surface was very bumpy. Year 3 practised using charcoal to draw animals inspired by Stone Age Art. They then crumpled up some paper and practised drawing the same animal to see how much trickier it is to draw on a textured surface. Year 3 are excited to use chalk pastels and paint to add to their cave paintings next week.