The annual Oaklands Carol Service was a huge success this year, with children from Years 1 to 6 filling the church with songs and music. St Mary’s Church hosted the service again this year creating a beautiful setting for an afternoon of carols. This year, Years 5 and 6 told…
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Celtic Harmony Stone Age Day
Year 3 recently visited Celtic Harmony in Brickendon to attend a series of Stone Age workshops. The day began with the children bargaining to enter a fortress. It turned out to be full of all sorts of artefacts, including mammoth bones and teeth, and various stone items which had been…
Year 6 French Games
‘I was impressed with the year 6G pupils with their Project about creating a French game. Zavier has created his own French game called the “Paris chase” with a lovely map of monuments from Paris, including dice and counters. As you moving along the path you have to answer questions…
Year 1C Get Their Taste Buds Tingling in Senses Experiment
1C have been exploring our senses in Science, this week and had great fun tasting different food items and matching them to the type of taste. Everyone had a sample of something sweet, savoury, sour, bitter and salty. Needless to say, the sweet item was the most popular! The pupils…
UK Settling In
The children in Upper Kindergarten have been settling well into their new classrooms. They have been exploring and participating in a variety of fun activities and learning all about their group animals.
Newsletter July 2021
Read about all the fun things our pupils have got up to over their last month of School this academic year!
Brentwood Taster Morning
Year 5 enjoyed a range of subjects in a virtual Brentwood Taster morning. They started looking at the nature of existence and knowledge within an RE & Philosophy session and gave wonderful responses. They found the Physics experiments on magnetic fields fascinating and made some great predictions too. The children…
Growing Sunflowers And Baking Biscuits
This week Upper Kindergarten have planted sunflower seeds. We have been watering them every day and the children are very excited to see whose sunflower grows the tallest. Upper Kindergarten have also been very busy making ladybird biscuits. They used rich tea biscuits, red icing sugar and chocolate chips….
Live Lessons with BBC Ten Pieces
Year 5 were lucky enough to enjoy a private Zoom call from the BBC last week where they got to ‘meet’ members of the BBC Ten Pieces orchestra and have a go at making some music themselves. The pupils had a lot of fun in the session, hearing some music…
Fun in Reception
Reception have settled into their new class very well this term, and have been very busy taking part in a huge range of activities. Owls have been learning how to load the brush with paint correctly in Art before applying it to the paper. They then made some lovely colourful…