On Wednesday 28 June, Year 3 dressed as teachers for the day and had to prepare a 30 minute lesson about a topic that they were interested in. A wide range of subjects were taught including hockey and football skills in PE, Greek theatre and Tudor underwear in history and Monet and mask making in art. We also enjoyed classes in the Turkish language and Cypriot food, sound and volcanoes in science, poetry and setting description for English.
The new i-pads helped the children learn animation and mapping skills in computing and the camera tool was used to capture shapes in maths. At the end of the day, the children enjoyed a well-deserved rest in the staff room with a hot chocolate and a biscuit. Everyone worked hard to ensure that their lesson was fun and educational. Afterwards, they evaluated their lesson and discussed what went well and what they had found difficult. It was interesting to discover that their frustrations as a teacher were children who called out and didn’t listen!