A Very Victorian Experience for Year 5

On Thursday 19 October Year 5 went on a great trip to the Royal Gunpowder Mills where they went back in time to the Victorian era. First the class experienced what life was like at the seaside where some of the children were lucky enough to try on a Victorian swimming costume!

In the next workshop pupils compared toys from then and now and the children had fun playing with spinning tops, yoyos and pecking chickens. Following this it was time to go off to the workhouse. They had to wash tea towels on the old fashioned washerboard, fill matchboxes with exactly 40 matches and clean shoes until they were shiny. The children soon realised what hard work it was!

Year 5 were petrified when they entered the Victorian classroom. The class rules were very strict and several children had to wear the dunces cap for misbehaviour. To the amusement of the children, Ms Gardner got caned for drawing a smiley face on her chalkboard! All in all, the children had a thoroughly enjoyable day and have asked to do it all again.