Cultural Curriculum Day
Y1 Spain
1Z learnt all about Spain on curriculum day. They talked about the Spanish royal family, traditional foods and famous landmarks in Spain. The children learnt all about the Spanish tradition of carnival and created their own masks inspired by the costumes they saw when looking at Sitges Carnival. The children were also able to give flamenco dancing a try, as well as experimenting with castanets!
Y2 Cyprus
2C learnt all about the island of Cyprus. They learnt about the geography and climate, a little about the history of Cyprus and lots about the culture of the island. They children can say ‘Good Morning’, ‘Good Day’, ‘Goodnight’, ‘Okay’ and ‘Thank you’ in Greek. They discovered what Greek Cypriots enjoy eating and had a go at making a lovely healthy Greek salad complete with olive oil, lemon juice, feta and olives.
Year 2 learnt that Cyprus is the birthplace of Aphrodite – the Goddess of Love and had a go at creating a mosaic of Aphrodite’s Rock. Finally, they learnt a Greek dance and got to perform it in front of Key Stage 1 children in their assembly!
Y3CA China
Nin Hao! During Curriculum Day, Y3CA decided to look at and become residents of China by reading, writing and scribing numbers and their names in Mandarin, and also creating a mini fact-file on China itself. In the afternoon, they looked at a masterclass, then drew Chinese mythical dragons! Xiexie.
Y4 Japan
Year 4 focussed on Japan. They learnt how to write their name in one of the Japanese alphabets and then practised their calligraphy skills to write it down on the page. The children investigated a new way to multiply numbers that is used in Japan. One of the most interesting parts of the Japanese culture is the large variety of festivals that are held throughout the year. Year 4 held their own festival, Bon Odori. They danced a special Bon Odori dance, containing the famous ‘washing machine’ move and sung songs in Japanese. The children played festivals games including Senbon hiki, Super ball Sukui and yo-yo Tsuri. In the afternoon the children made their own samuri shuri-ken, a Japanese throwing star, using their origami skills. Everyone had a fantastic day.
Y5G Australia
For Curriculum day, 5G have been learning about Australia. They have used their ICT skills to research various aspects of Australian life and then they chose their own method to present their findings. They looked at Australian currency and ran their own currency exchange. They also investigated the reasons why people emigrated to Australia. In addition, they identified places of interest, capital cities, states and territories on a map and designed their own holiday brochure. Finally, they studied Aboriginal art and made their own batik using the dot paintings as inspiration.
Y5Z Canada
5Z had a wonderful time learning about Canada on Curriculum Day. They had a good understanding of the physical and human geography of the country and explored the history and culture of the First Nations people in depth. The children looked at the characteristic features of Native American art and produced their own artwork using a similar style with oil pastels. They looked at the qualities associated with animals in First Nation stories and selected one to study. The children learnt a lot about life in Canada and were keen to share their knowledge with others towards the end of the day.
Y6 South Africa
Year 6 represented South Africa on ‘Cultural Diversity Day’. They painted their own Bushveld Sunset silhouettes, made a very tasty South African dessert called a ‘Peppermint Crisp Tart’ and listened to different African instruments and music. They ended the day with playing a stone game while singing a song in Xhosa.
This was a fun filled day with lots of laughter and discovery of new cultural knowledge.