In Cross Country, the pupils have been rediscovering their fitness after returning from the holidays and are gradually improving their stamina and running strength as a result. They have been doing 1 lap intervals of the field with a rest in-between and this week they managed to do 2 lap intervals. It’s slowly getting harder but we think they’re up to the challenge which will stand them in good stead when the running events come thick and fast this term. Keep up the hard work troops!
In Year 3 & 4 Boys Football club, pupils have been working on their first touch and control in order to keep the ball close to them. They have been playing ‘Wall Ball’ to learn this to good affect which they really enjoy. The boys have been impressive in learning, copying and delivering ball skills with turns and skills such as L-Turns, Cruyff turns, scissors and Drag-Backs. They are slowly learning how to play in various positions during small sided games and will hopefully be able to showcase their skills when we play in fixtures outside of school. Well done Boys!
Year 6 have really enjoyed Indoor Athletics Club where they take part in various running, jumping and throwing activities. The pupils have completed sprints, speed bounce, obstacles and throwing with accuracy and are gradually improving their speed, agility and strength as a result. With Sports Hall Athletics competitions approaching, they are working hard to try and get into the team! Keep it up Year 6!
The girls have been mastering their ball control and learning how to shield the ball from an opponent. They especially love using these skills during the ‘Queen of the Ring’ game where they must protect their ball whilst trying to get their opponents ball out of the area. During a game of Pupils vs Mr Paine, they showed their footballing ability, beating him quite comfortably. Well done Girls!